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Peaceable Prints

Peaceable Prints's picture
Amy Stever

Eco-Friendly, Hand-printed Tees & Onesies, Custom Tees, Recycled Greeting Cards, Invitations & Gift Tags.

peace·a·ble: inclined or disposed to peace; amiable, dovish, friendly, gentle, pacific, peaceful, peace-loving, placid, unwarlike

Peaceable Prints is just what the name says. I strive to use printmaking as a way to spread peace and love to others. My hope is that my products and my designs can be used as a way to celebrate life and lift spirits.

I am a screen printer and graphic artist. My passions are designing and hand-printing tees, & onesies, and recycled greeting cards. I use only eco-friendly, water-based ink and when possible, organic cotton tees. I have been screen-printing for several years and am so happy to open up shop on Etsy! Please check back often as I frequently add new items! Thanks for stopping by!