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Create a Profile, Showcase your Work

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Are you a Somerville based aritst?   Then create a profile. Highlight your creative energy on our site.

A primary goal for creating this new site was to provide a one-stop shopping to find Somerville's creative industry.  See the Find Somerville Creators page. 

By creating a profile on our site you can update your contact information anytime and our searchable database makes it easy to find you, your own website, access your media files, and other folks who may share similar skills or interests.

So sign up today.  This service/listing is limited to artists who either live or have a studio or business in Somerville and Somerville creative industry. 

And if you need the services of Somerville's vast creative industry come to our site and search today.

To create a profile you first need to create a username and set a password.  Please go here:

Be sure to upload an image of yourself in the user account.

Once you are a user, then log in @  or at the login button on the bottom/left of the site, and then go to this page   to create your profile.